Do you want a comfortable taxi from/to Košice airport?
LUXI transfer to the airport
Taxi Košice
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €20
competition from €25
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Night taxi Košice
between 22:00 - 05:59
our price from €30
competition from XY €
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Bardejov
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €134
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Humenné
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €130
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Michalovce
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €105
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Miskolc 🇭🇺
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €132
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Mukachevo 🇺🇦
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €223
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Nyíregyháza 🇭🇺
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €183
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Poprad
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €186
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Prešov
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €75
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Rožňava
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €98
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Spišská N. Ves
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €162
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Trebišov
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €78
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Uzhgorod 🇺🇦
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €160
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
Taxi Vranov n/a
between 06:00 - 21:59
our price from €95
surcharge at night +50%
✅ Possibility to order a vehicle in advance for a specific date and time
✅ Enter the flight number and in case of flight delay no extra charges
How to order a taxi to/from Košice airport
Questions & answers
Is it possible to order a taxi to/from Košice airport also from another city?
Yes, LUXI will take you or pick you up at any address in Slovakia or abroad.
How much does a taxi cost from Košice airport to Košice bus and train station?
The price is €20, the distance is 7.8 km and the journey takes about 15 minutes. At night, the price is €30.
How much does a taxi cost from Košice airport to the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel?
The price is €20, the distance is 7.7 km and the journey takes about 15 minutes. At night, the price is €30.
How much does a taxi cost from Košice airport to the Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras in Štrbské Pleso?
The price is €220, the distance is 147 km and the trip takes about 1 hour. 33 min. During the night hours, the price is €330.
How much does a taxi cost from Košice airport to Hotel Yasmin Košice?
The price is €20, the distance is 8.7 km and the journey takes about 15 minutes. At night, the price is €30.
How much does a taxi cost from Košice airport to Boutique Hotel Bristol Košice?
The price is €20, the distance is 9.5 km and the journey takes about 19 minutes. At night, the price is €30.
How much does a taxi cost from Košice airport to Congress Hotel Roca Košice?
The price is €20, the distance is 6.6 km and the journey takes about 8 minutes. At night, the price is €30.
How is the price per ride calculated?
The LUXI tariff offers rides priced from €1.50 for each kilometer started. If you fill in our reservation form with the exact address and time of departure, the system will immediately calculate the final price: The price calculation is free of charge and does not bind you to an order.
How can I order transport?
- Online: Fill out the form on our website and you will immediately receive the exact price and the possibility of booking.
- Social networks: Write a message to our robots via Messenger (Facebook), WhatsApp or Telegram.
- E-mail: Send us an email and we will gladly help you with your order.
- Telephone: Call us and our operators will be happy to advise you on the order.
Is it possible to order a taxi at the last minute?
We recommend reserving a vehicle at least a few hours before the planned trip. If you are in an urgent case, do not hesitate to contact us by phone and we will always be happy to try to agree on a solution for you.
VYNIKAJÚCE hodnotenie
Na základe 16 recenzií O LUXI taxi sme sa dozvedeli z Internetu. Potrebovali sme súrny odvoz z Košíc do Kyjeva tesne pred Vianocami a bola som milo prekvapená z ich profesionálneho prístupu, rýchlej reakcie a priebežnej informovanosti. Nebolo ľahké nájsť šoféra na takú dlhú vzdialenosť, ale vďaka LUXI taxi sa cesta vydarila. Ďakujem a vrelo odporúčam ich služby.
Odpoveď od vlastníka
Pozdravujeme Vás, Lucia 😊 Pre nás to znamená veľa, že ste zanechali skvelú recenziu! 🌍🤗 Cítime sa hlboko poctení, že sme získali dôveru vašej spoločnosti! Nemôžeme sa dočkať, až budeme pokračovať v poskytovaní špičkových služieb! 🐳 Len to najlepšie do nového roku vám želá LUXI! 🎉 Prajem Vám a kolegom krásny deň! 🤗 Miro, LUXI Lucia Babová30. December, 2024 Rýchla dohoda, pán vodič prišiel pre nás v presne dohodnutý čas. Jazda bola bezpečná a rýchla. Ďakujem!
Odpoveď od vlastníka
Milá Barbora! Ďakujeme Vám, že ste si nás vybrali, za šírenie pozitivity, a že ste si našli čas na zanechanie 5-hviezdičkovej recenzie 🌟 Budeme sa tešiť na ďalšiu jazdu 🚕 😉 Miro z LUXI Barbora Emadi27. August, 2024 Korektnosť presnosť spokojnosť. Viezol som sa Z Čani na Košicšké letisko vsetko vyslo podľa predstáv
Odpoveď od vlastníka
Milý Adam! Ďakujem za Vašu detailnú a úprimnú recenziu! 🤩 Som rád, že Vaša preprava prebehla hladko podľa Vašich očakávaní. Ďakujem, že ste si zvolili LUXI a budem sa tešiť, keď k nám opäť zavítate. Miro z LUXI 🚖 Adam Suchanic20. August, 2024 Luxi taxi KE je výborná služba,príchod dohodnutý vždy načas,nikdy som dlho nečakala ako u iných taxi,milý a ochotný vodič, cestujem s nimi aj na dlhsie vzdialenosti mimo KE, odporúčam všetkými desiatimi.
Odpoveď od vlastníka
Pozdravujem Vás, Radka! 👋 Páni, miliónkrát ďakujem za to, že ste nás zasypala hviezdičkami a podelila sa o svoju skúsenosť s jazdami! 🌟 Dúfam, že sa čoskoro opäť uvidíme! 🚕 🛣 🌇 Prajem pekný deň! 🍀 Miro, LUXI Radomira Kyprova10. August, 2024 Ich kann Miro nur empfehlen! Er hat mich vom Flughafen an die Grenze gefahren und dort auch wieder abgeholt. Guter Fahrer.
Odpoveď od vlastníka
Thank you very much, Bastian. I’m glad to have met your expectations. Your positive review just made my day! 😁💯 Looking forward to your next visit! Miro from LUXI Bastian Schnabel21. Júl, 2024Recenzií
Taxi Košice Airport – Bačkovík, 044 45 now from €33
Taxi Airport Košice – Baška, 040 16 now from €14
Taxi Košice Airport – Belža, 044 58 now from €26
Taxi Košice Airport – Beniakovce, 044 42 now from €18
Taxi Košice Airport – Bidovce, 044 45 now from €28
Taxi Airport Košice – Blažice, 044 16 now from €29
Taxi Košice Airport – Bočiar, 044 57 now from €26
Taxi Košice Airport – Bohdanovce, 044 16 now from €27
Taxi Košice Airport – Boliarov, 044 47 now from €37
Taxi Košice Airport – Budimír, 044 43 now from €17
Taxi Košice Airport – Bukovec, 044 20 now from €18
Taxi Košice Airport – Buzica, 044 73 now from €42
Taxi Košice Airport – Cestice, 044 71 now from €31
Taxi Košice Airport – Čaňa, 044 14 now from €22
Taxi Košice Airport – Čečejovce, 044 71 now from €34
Taxi Airport Košice – Drienovec, 044 01 now from €47
Taxi Košice Airport – Družstevná pri Hornáde, 044 31 now from €16
Taxi Košice Airport – Ďurkov, 044 19 now from €29
Taxi Airport Košice – Geča, 044 10 now from €18
Taxi Košice Airport – Gyňov, 044 14 now from €26
Taxi Airport Košice – Haniská, 044 57 now from €20
Taxi Airport Košice – Chrastné, 044 44 now from €21
Taxi Košice Airport – Jasov, 044 23 now from €41
Taxi Košice Airport – Kecerovce, 044 47 now from €39
Taxi Airport Košice – Kechnec, 044 58 now from €30
Taxi Košice Airport – Kokšov-Bakša, 044 13 now from €20
Taxi Košice Airport – Kostoľany pri Hodnád, 044 31 now from €15
Taxi Košice Airport – Košická Belá, 044 65 now from €29
Taxi Košice Airport – Košická Polianka, 044 41 now from €16
Taxi Košice Airport – Košické Oľsany, 044 42 now from €14
Taxi Košice Airport – Kráľovce, 044 44 now from €20
Taxi Košice Airport – Kysak, 044 81 now from €36
Taxi Košice Airport – Malá Ida, 044 20 now from €16
Taxi Košice Airport – Medzev, 044 25 now from €51
Taxi Košice Airport – Mokrance, 045 01 now from €39
Taxi Košice Airport – Moldava nad Bodvou, 045 01 now from €45
Taxi Košice Airport – Nižná Myšla, 044 15 now from €24
Taxi Košice Airport – Nižný Klatov, 044 12 now from €17
Taxi Košice Airport – Perín-Chym, 044 74 now from €36
Taxi Košice Airport – Poproč, 044 24 now from €46
Taxi Košice Airport – Rankovce, 044 45 now from €41
Taxi Košice Airport – Rozhanovce, 044 42 now from €17
Taxi Košice Airport – Ruskov, 044 19 now from €27
Taxi Košice Airport – Sady nad Torysou, 044 41 now from €12
Taxi Košice Airport – Seňa, 044 58 now from €28
Taxi Košice Airport – Skároš, 044 11 now from €29
Taxi Košice Airport – Slanec, 044 17 now from €37
Taxi Košice Airport – Sokoľ, 044 31 now from €18
Taxi Košice Airport – Sokoľany, 044 57 now from €23
Taxi Košice Airport – Svinica, 044 45 now from €29
Taxi Airport Košice – Šemša, 044 21 now from €23
Taxi Košice Airport – Trstené pri Hodnáde, 044 11 now from €30
Taxi Košice Airport – Turnňa nad Bodvou, 044 02 now from €55
Taxi Košice Airport – Valaliky, 044 13 now from €16
Taxi Košice Airport – Veľká Ida, 044 55 now from €28
Taxi Košice Airport – Vtáčkovce, 044 47 now from €31
Taxi Košice Airport – Vyšná Myšla, 044 15 now from €24
Taxi Airport Košice – Ždaňa, 044 11 now from €25
Rely on LUXI